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Just as the match ended, the players got on a call with the commentators for a quick interview. The final match of the day featured the online bullet star Tang versus one of the most promising American juniors, IM Christopher Yoo. After a stubborn fight and 16 games, with more than 30 minutes to go, Hong bridged the gap and was trailing by one point only with 7.5 points versus his opponent’s 8.5 points. Of course, with Tang being 500 points higher rated in bullet, the outcome was reasonably predictable, but this was still shaping to be an exciting battle.

  1. Naroditsky announced that he would now be a new lead commentator at
  2. Since he was the lower-rated player, he would be the one picking the time control.
  3. On Friday, the third day of the Blitzcoin Invitational tournament, players entered the quarterfinals stage.

Wang advanced to the semifinals after winning the match with a final result of 18-14. In this match, Naroditsky won both bullet games and picked a time control of 3|0 for the one-hour-long match. Ended up scoring twelve wins in a row, including the two bullet wins and ten blitz wins. The 28th of October brought us the second day of the Blitzcoin Invitational, a bullet and blitz knockout event hosted by the Charlotte Chess Center, where 16 top US players U-25 compete in blitz matches for a prize of one Bitcoin. and The Charlotte Chess Center are proud to announce the Blitzcoin Invitational! In this new action-packed event, the best US Chess players 25 years old and under will compete for their share of one Bitcoin. Toward the end, Liang picked up a few more nice wins and clinched the match with a score of to make it to the semifinals.

As it normally happens in these matches, at one point one of the players goes on a winning streak. This time, it was Wang who won four games in a row between game 14 and game 17. His opponent did strike back toward the end of the match, but it was already impossible to even the score.

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The next day, the other four pairs would compete, then on day three the quarterfinals would take place, then semifinals on day four, and the final match on day five. The match and the interview with both players ended, but the broadcast did not, as there was a news bomb to be delivered. Naroditsky announced that he would now be a new lead commentator at He referred to this partnership as a “dream come true” and was incredibly thrilled, but at the same time, promised he would still be working on his streaming and YouTube at the same time. Liang won both initial bullet games very convincingly, being ahead both on the clock and on the board the entire time. Unsurprisingly, he went for bullet as the time control of the first leg.

One of the most important chess clubs in the United States, the award-winning Charlotte Chess Center is well-known for holding norm tournaments. With this event, the club is once more asserting their importance in the chess landscape by bringing together the strongest young talents in the country. As a result of today’s match, the four players qualified for the quarterfinals, and two of the quarterfinals pairs are known. Not only did the top seed win a lot of games, but he also offered a lot of learning opportunities to the viewers that were looking to learn.

With a lot of experience in fast time controls, Naroditsky is sure to leave both his opponents and his fans baffled by his impressive speed. It seems like the tendencies and traditions of this tournament dictate that bullet is the only time control to choose. This time, the opponent’s online bullet ratings were equal, but still, it was exactly the fastest time control that Wang went for. The rating-favorite won the first bullet game after a long flight, and then picked a free rook early on in the second.

Blitzcoin Invitational Day 4: Naroditsky, Liang In Finals

On Friday, the third day of the Blitzcoin Invitational tournament, players entered the quarterfinals stage. In the first game, Naroditsky went for a rather ambitious variation with White against Liang’s Caro-Kann and got completely outplayed. With the final score of 22-15, with a total of four draws only and 31 decisive games, Hong advanced to the quarterfinals. This time, to commentate the tournament, the CEO of the Charlotte Chess Center FM Peter Giannatos was joined by GM Aman Hambleton, one of the key people behind Chessbrahs. Day 2 of the event was the last day of qualifiers to the quarterfinals, and just like yesterday, there were four matches. This was the last day of qualifications for the quarterfinals, and this time, the winners of the day who got a spot to the next round were IM Justin Wang, GM Nicolas Checa, IM Andrew Hong, and GM Awonder Liang.

This was the first time in the tournament when the bullet mini-match ended in a draw. In such situations, the format foresees that the player with a lower USCF rating, this time Shetty, chooses the time control. Just like Jacobson in the previous match, he decided to compete in a one-hour bullet match. After a dramatic win in the bullet mini-match, where Yoo failed to convert while a piece up, Tang, of course, picked bullet as the time control. It is rather difficult for almost anyone in the world, including GM Magnus Carlsen, GM Alireza Alireza, and other stars of online fast time controls, to compete with Tang in bullet. Naturally, commentators and spectators alike were expecting Tang to win comfortably.

Blitzcoin Invitational Day 5: Naroditsky Pockets The Victory

Here is an example of how he used his lead in development to nicely dismantle the suspicious Modern Defense-type setup chosen by his opponent. The fight was intense, but Wang never came close to equalizing the score. For example, with 20 minutes blitzcoin to go in the bullet part of the match, Liang was leading 14-7. Tang won the first bullet game with a beautiful combination, which guaranteed him the right to pick the first time control as he was the lower-rated match participant.

The funny part about this match is that when the bullet part began, Hong had a provisional bullet rating of 2400, while Brown’s rating was over 2900. A provisional rating, as it is known, is subject to changing very quickly, and as Hong won both bullet games, he found himself at 2767, just 50 points short of his opponent. As the bullet match started, the higher-rated Checa outplayed the opponent with Black and was two queens(!) up at one point, but then lost on time, guaranteeing Wang at least a tie.

Some crypto lending sites allow investors to earn annual percentage returns (APR) at rates as high… You can watch the event live on or on our Twitch and YouTube channels. The Charlotte Chess Center Founder and CEO FM Peter Giannatos will be joined by the Chessbrahs GM Eric Hansen and GM Aman Hambleton to provide commentary.

The leader started the blitz part strong by winning three in a row, which essentially buried Wang’s chances who at that point was trailing by eight blitz wins. He did put up a good fight; however, the match outcome was never really in question. An hour later, Liang made it to the final match by winning with a score of 34-23. This meant Wang needed to win five extra blitz games to win the match, while four extra wins would leave him a point short. Since the difference was an odd number, a draw was essentially impossible at this point. Among the confirmed participants is the speed-demon GM Daniel Naroditsky, a Charlotte resident himself.

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The former was 500 points higher-rated in bullet and confirmed the initial fears of Hilby’s fans by convincingly winning the two bullet games. Jacobson is one of the best bullet players in the field, so it is no wonder he picked 1|0 as the time control for the match. It is especially logical, given his bullet rating is over 3100, while his opponent’s rating is just around 2600. In the semifinals, Naroditsky will face Tang, while Wang will play against Liang. Many believe that the winner of the former pair will be the winner of the tournament, as Naroditsky and Tang are the highest-rated players.

It was interesting to see how the match would begin, as both players have shown in the previous matches that as they take the lead, opponents’ lives would get rather problematic. The fourth day of Blitzcoin Invitational saw two semifinals matches, with the four fastest and stubbornest players competing for the spots in the final match. As the second day ended, the last four players qualified for the quarterfinals. Those are GM Daniel Naroditsky versus GM Brandon Jacobson and IM Atulya Shetty versus GM Andrew Tang, as was determined yesterday, while the pairs that were determined today are Wang versus Checa and Hong against Liang.