The Ultimate Pitbull Training Guide

Our guides can help you with the basics of how to train your dog, but we also recommend dog training classes – especially for more advanced methods, such as clicker training. Use a “fetch” command when you throw it, then excitedly call them back to you in a high-pitched voice. Perhaps the most common obedience problem with dogs is their vocalizing.

Make sure that you’re using the same commands for the behaviors that you want. If you use the same word but insert it into sentences differently every time you say it, your dog may not understand. For instance, if you want to train your dog to lie down, you will confuse them if you say “Lie down” one session and then say “Fido, lie down or no treat” later in the day. For example, you may be expecting them to stay in a down position while you’re actually luring your dog up with your body language.

  • Make sure that you practice this in different environments to strengthen the recall of the dog.
  • Then plan to take the dog outside to go potty shortly after.
  • Focusing on these basic training techniques lays the groundwork for a happy, healthy relationship between me and my pit bull, ensuring they grow into a well-trained dog.
  • At the time of her graduation, her parents proudly noted that Amber had not pottied in the house in weeks, and when she had to go, she let her parents know by whining at the door.

Consistency is crucial in any form of training, especially when it involves pit bulls. Creating a structured training schedule helps your pit bull understand what’s expected of them and when. Decide on specific days and times for training sessions, keeping them relatively short to maintain your pit bull’s attention—typically, sessions should last between 15 to 20 minutes. Feel free to adjust the schedule based on what works best for you and your dog, but once you find a rhythm that works, stick to it.

Never Hit Or Scold Your Dog

You also might consider getting dog bite insurance to protect yourself and your dog, especially if your pit is fearful, over reactive, aggressive or has a bite history. And keep your dog licensed and current on vaccinations. Dogs who are fearful usually were not adequately or positively socialized during formative periods. Fear can lead to extreme shyness or even over reactivity and aggression. And that’s a big problem, especially for pits and possibly for you.

Begin by establishing a consistent feeding plan when ready for potty training with your dog. It’s the key to keeping your home comfortable and clean, as well as preventing any unpleasant surprises from appearing where they shouldn’t. It is sometimes easy to forget just how young our pups are when we bring them home. Reward and celebrate with your pup when they do the right thing.

Some indoor-outdoor carpet can buffer the heat of summer pavement. Perhaps you have a brand new pup or a newly adopted teen or older dog. One thing that is vitally important to building a happy interspecies household is that your new dog becomes housetrained as quickly and reliably as possible.

This is the ideal age as they are still in their socialization period and more receptive to learning new things. Most dogs won’t go potty in their crates, and using the crate can help you control your dog when you’re not watching your pup. This positive reinforcement will encourage your dog to follow this command. Consistency is critical when teaching any new behavior to your dog. Use the same word and hand signal every time so your dog can make an association between the two.

All you have to do is to relax and just enjoy your pet’s love and gratitude. Read more about how to teach your dog to come when called. “Behavioral issues, not infectious diseases, are the No. 1 cause of death for dogs under 3 years of age,” AVSAB writes. You can still safely expose your dog to new things so as not to miss out on this crucial socialization period. Those first few nights in a new place can be anxious ones for your puppy. Put a stuffed animal designed to give comfort in your puppy’s crate.

Potty Problems that are NOT Potty training Problems

Clean up accidents promptly, to avoid encouraging a repeated behavior. New Pitbull provides quality content about Pitbull facts and information, Pitbull statistics, breed specific legislation BSL and more. Pit bulls enjoy being petted in areas that are less threatening to them, such as the front of the chest, the upper and middle back, sides of the chest, and behind the ears. Always avoid moving your hands towards their face or over the top of their head to prevent making them feel fearful or defensive. While individual canines will vary, the ideal training session is usually no longer than 5-15 minutes.

About This Article

When we’re zeroing in on how to train a pit bull, recognizing these differences can guide the training process, ensuring it aligns with their specific needs and innate attributes. Firstly, it’s essential to recognize that some dog breeds are predisposed to be highly independent, which may cause them to exhibit stubborn traits. Pit Bulls are among those dog breeds, but their behavior is mostly affected by their training and living conditions rather than an inherent stubbornness. The Canine Good Citizen Program was developed by the American Kennel Club (AKC). It involves testing your dog on several skills, and if it passes the test, the dog gets a Canine Good Citizen certificate from the AKC.